Is Sweden considering making Quran burnings illegal?

Is Sweden considering making Quran burnings illegal?


'Sweden is considering making Quran burnings illegal'

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - The Swedish government is examining whether it could make setting the Quran or other holy books on fire illegal, as recent desecration of the Holy Quran has damaged Sweden's security, Justice Minister Gunnar Strommer told Aftonbladet paper on Thursday.

An Iraqi immigrant to Sweden burned the Holy Quran outside a Stockholm mosque last week, causing outrage in the Muslim world and condemnation from the Pope. The Swedish Security services said such action left the country less safe.

The police denied several applications earlier this year for protests that were set to include burning the Quran, citing security concerns, but courts have since overturned the police's decisions, saying such acts are protected by Sweden's far-reaching freedom of speech laws.

Sweden's minister of justice said on Thursday that the government was analysing the situation and whether the law needed to be changed.

"We have to ask ourselves whether the current order is good or whether there is reason to reconsider it," Strommer told Aftonbladet. He added that Sweden had become a "prioritized target" for attacks.

The incident has also damaged Sweden's bid to join Nato, with Turkey's President Tayyip Erdogan saying his country cannot ratify Sweden's application before Quran burnings are stopped.